Rare Talk LIVE, November 16th @ 7pm

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Journey of Fashion Designer, Clarissa

Rare Talk digs deep with Clarissa. 

How did you spend your freshman year in high school?  And how did you spend your sweet 16?


  1. I remember when I started high school. I was really afraid. I heard how the juniors and seniors were mean to freshman. I'd also heard about them throwing pennies. My have times changed! I guess guns have replaced pennies! I'm glad I started when I did!

  2. Hi There! Ys, I'd heard about the pennies too. But, that experience was far from my thoughts as they were consumed with "What can I wear today that can cover my big, pregnant belly?" or "What do my peers (and their parents) and my family really think of me now?"

    I had only a few pairs of actual maternity clothes, so I became creative in my thinking in wearing regular pants by using strings and fabric to add more elasticity and width to the waistline. I was often embarrassed by my situation and my self-esteem was shot. I often masked my emotions to enhance my insecurities. It was exhausting! While I got along well with people and never had pennies thrown at me, this thing called "LIFE" was. I am grateful and wiser nonetheless!

  3. One of the most beautiful things in life is being able to GO through things and being able to GROW through things!
